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So the last week has been a bit of a lost week.  Last SUnday I had terrible earrache and sore throat – but these things usually last a day so I soldiered on.

On Monday – Lx and Dx said they felt poorly too – and I felt just as bad as Sunday but now had a runny nose so hoped my cold was coming out and I was on the mend. But I wasnt up to a supermarket shop so asked Matt to help out – and he came and did tea for the children too.IMG_1676(sm)On Tuesday I took a downhill turn, my ears and throad were killing me and the normal over-the-counter painkillers just were having no effect. Gx had to speak to the GP surgery for me on the phone as it was too painful for me to speak above a whisper. I was SO SO excited to be going to the GP at lunchtime as I just wanted an end to the pain – unfortunately the painkillers only killed the pain for an hour. SO then it was time to break out the antibiotics (which I had been told to wait a couple of days before trying “in case it goes away on its own” This wasn’t going anywhere.

IMG_1679(sm)To cheer me up – Lx came home from school having won a head teachers sticker for managing to name and spell 25 words with “ee” in them.  I had to get Gx to take a photo of her as I wasn’t well enough to get up.

IMG_1684(sm)Thursday I was on really strong painkillers and the antibiotics were kicking in so I was pain free (which was SUCH a relief) but I was a drugged mess. I didn’t know what day it was, could barely keep my eyes open and needed help to get up or down stairs. Luckily Matt stepped in to pick up the kids and give them tea and also stayed to keep an eye out overnight as I knew I was in no condition to be responsible for 4 little ones overnight.

IMG_1678(sm)Today Sx put a smile on my face – with a letter from his school saying he has received the history prize for this term. He has struggled a little with work at secondary school so this was a wonderful sign that he CAN do it – and great for him – and a boost for me.

IMG_1686(sm)Thursday and I am painkiller free – so I know what day it is and can see all the jobs that need doing…but dont have the energy to do them! I am still really weak and feeble and after trying to make a dent in the laundry I soon realised I am not up to such “strenuous” tasks just yet!

Dx made some cute little Easter nests at school today and told me he needs me to get better as he misses me at breakfast (Matt has been doing breakfast for me). I certainly feel I am heading in the right direction now and was confident to have the children overnight on my own.

IMG_1687(sm)Friday and although I am still not better – I wouldn’t trust myself to drive or do anything requiring attention or effort – I am getting better daily. Sx is off school (again 😦 ) today – he complained of earrache so I couldnt NOT keep him home after the pain I have been in but this is hie 3rd day off in as many weeks. I am hoping Easter will give him a break and stop this run of illness.

IMG_1688(sm)And a nice one to finish with. Needless to say this week’s photos were all with the iphone. I haven’t got my proper camera out all week – THAT is how bad I have felt!! 🙂
